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Youngsters arriving at Fort Clarence Beach for the Annual Summer Youth treat
"J.O.S. helps too: Youngster arriving Fort Clarence for the Annual Summer Youth treat at Fort Clarence Beach for children living in custodial care at places of safety and children's homes. The programme is jointly sponsored by the Hellshire Bay…
Wreckage of a bus after it fell over
"Saturday night tragedy - scene in the ravine at Two Miles in Alderton near Claremont in St. Ann showing the remains of the Sunbeam Bus and the section [arrow] where it left the road Saturday night."
Windward Road flooded
A number two Harbour View (East) to City Centre Jamaica Omnibus Service (JOS) bus traversing through flood waters on Windward Road in Kingston.
Washing JOS bus
Jamaica Omnibus Services (JOS) employees washing a bus.
Waltham Park Road
"A section of the Waltham Park Road on Thursday."
Victory J type bus
"The original: photograph shows original configuration of Victory J type bus wind-shield area. Note the curved glass."
Vandalized JOS bus
"It was a lucky driver who escaped the wrath of vandals last week when they attacked this JOS bus, L115, in the Olympic Gardens area. Picture shows splintered glass from the shattered windscreen, all over the driver's area."
Unloading JOS bus at Newport West
"A JOS National bus being unloaded recently at Newport West. Nineteen new JOS buses have arrived in Kingston since July 8. Fourteen are already in service and five are being prepared for duty. This brings the total number of Leyland National buses in…
Tags: Bus lines - Jamaica; Buses; Leyland buses
Type 'A' Olympic bus
"The above 'A' type Olympic Bus, which first joined J.O.S. 15 years ago and has given excellent service, finally ended its career in the early hours of February 22. On that night A-38 ran into the back of an unlit parked trailer which ahs delivered…
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Harold Butler & his electric piano

"MAKING SWEET MUSIC: Harold Butler and his electric piano are the centre of attraction here as the musical genius 'tickle', and caresses his…