Browse Items (10007 total)

Stamp issued to celebrate Jamaica's Independence, August 1962
A 1/6d stamp issued to celebrate Jamaica's independence August 1962, shows Gordon House and hands holding a banner with the words 'Independence 6th August 1962'.

Stamp hooks
Several metal hooks are affixed to a hinged structure. They are described by the photographer as "stamp hooks".

Stalled cars on flooded Princess Street

Several vehicles become stalled as a result of flood rains, resulting in a pile up of traffic on Princess Street in Downtown, Kingston.

Stagnant water in Brown's Gully, Morant Bay

"Health hazard - Brown's Gully in Morant Bay has stagnant water and heavy morass all year round except when there's a down-pour of rain to flush the gully. It is one of the many breeding grounds for mosquitoes and ring-worms. In addition, residents…

Staffers of the Kingston Public Hospital

"Family Affair: staffers of the KPH pose before the gates with the wife of the Prime Minister, Mrs. Beverley Manley (fourth from left) and wives of Cabinet Ministers who made a joint tour of the hospital in September."

Staff of the Westwood High School
Female staff of the Westwood High School

Staff of Military School, Up Park Camp, Jamaica

Staff members of military school, Up Park Camp, Jamaica.

Staff nurse of KPH

"Gift Presentation: Mrs. Mable Palmer-McDonald [centre], former Registered Staff Nurse of Kingston Public Hospital, presents Actg. Matron Patricia Ivers, with a quantity of linen, part of a gift package she presented to the hospital on Wednesday…

Staff members and guest of Negril Beach Village during one of their regular dance sessions

"Dance lessons at Negril village: Staff members and guests of Negril Beach Village seen during one of their regular dance sessions at the Hotel.
Dance sessions and exercise classes are being held at the Village twice weekly under the direction of…