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  • Tags: Natural disasters - Jamaica

Train lines damaged after earthquake, outside tank, Port Royal

Men standing by a section of a railway in Port Royal that has been uprooted from the earth by the 1907 earthquake. in 1907. Fallen buildings and debris can also be seen in the background.

Structure partly submerged after 1907 earthquake, Port Royal

Photograph of a structure that became partially submerged in the sea after the 1907 earthquake. Two men are standing on the shore and one is sitting on the structure.

Derailed rail lines, port Royal, 1907 Earthquake

A man walking on a partially bent train line after the 1907 earthquake that devastated Kingston and Port Royal. Damaged buildings and debris can be seen in the background.

Chief of staff house, Port Royal, back view

A soldier and a woman stand by a section of the Chief of Staff's house that has sustained significant damage from the 1907 earthquake. There is a gaping hole where the brick wall and roof have broken down and there is a heap of rubble on the ground.