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  • Tags: Trees

Sergeants, 1885

A group photograph of Sergeants of the 1st West India Regiment taken under a large tree.

Irwin Park

A section of the Irwin Park garden in Montego Bay, showing birds in a cage by a large pond and walking trail.

Irwin Park river

Shallow river at Irwin Park in Montego Bay, St. James, flowing through a canopy formed by bamboo plants.

Irwin Park Crafts Village

"Dining Pavilion: Jamaican Snacks will be available at the main dining pavillon in The Craft Village and at food kiosks around the property, and picnic facilities at a beautiful corner of the garden set aside as a 7 - acre community park."

Irwin Park staff

"Rake & Machete: And so the Gardens were built. Over the past six months, months more than 1,000 workers, most like nursery helper Hyacinth Rickett and gardener William Heath, using only basic garden tools, have transformed an 80-acre site in the…

Jamaican coconuts

A bunch of coconuts (cocos nuciferas) still attached to the tree.

On the road to Gordon Town, Jamaica

River flowing through the bushes as seen from a road on the way to Gordon Town in St. Andrew, Jamaica.