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  • Tags: Traffic accidents - Jamaica

Collision between a truck and taxi cab

"Traffic was held up along the Half Way Tree Road yesterday following this collision between a truck and a taxi cab. Four persons were injured, none of them seriously, it was reported. The collision took place just opposite the J.I.S. building at…

Collision between Singer Vogue and Buick Le Sabre cars

"Head on: A collision between this white Singer Vogue and green Buick Le Sabre occurred on the bridge on Trafalgar Road above Spanish Court at about 3:30pm yesterday. The head on crash left the occupants of the Vogue, Carol Barnes (the driver), and…

Collision on Oxford Road

"Police were unable yesterday to give details of the condition of the occupants of this motor car the roof of which was ripped off in a collision on Oxford Road Sunday night. The accident occurred at a point near to a large mound of earth around an…

Cortina motor car in the bushes

"This Cortina motor car left the road and end up in this lump of bushes on the Naggo Head Road last Saturday morning. It was not known if any one was hurt. The vehicle was badly damaged."

Cortina motorcar crash

"It is not known if the driver of this car learnt a lesson but the Daily News understands that this Cortina motor car was being driven by a learner-driver when it crashed into this light pole at the corner of Molynes and Waltham Park Roads…

Crash - Mount Diablo Hill

"Lack of road discipline can [result in] much more than what happened in this accident scene...The motor-car at left just missed plunging into a 30-feet ravine with the assistance of the utility pole at left. The near-tragedy occurred last Saturday…

Crash along Spanish Town Road along Weymouth Drive stoplight

"This Toyota motor car was destroyed and two people died on the spot yesterday morning along the Spanish Town Road at the traffic light at Weymouth Drive. A third later died in the Kingston Public Hospital. Dead are Henry Reid, 52, his four-year old…

Crash at Border Avenue and Lydia

"The driver of this Cortina motor car (or what's left of it) was injured and taken to hospital when it crashed Wednesday morning at Border Avenue and Lydia Drive in St. Andrew."

Crash at intersection of Marcus Garvey Drive and East Avenue

"Vidal Longdon of 15 Upper Regent Street, Kingston 14, died yesterday afternoon in this accident at the intersection of Marcus Garvey Drive and East Avenue. Mr. Longdon's car was in collision with a truck. Both vehicles were reported to have been…

Crash at the intersection of Cargill Avenue

"Collision - one person was injured and treated at the Medical Associates Hospital on Saturday afternoon following the collision of a Cortina and a Valiant motor car at the intersection of Cargill Avenue and Half Way Tree Road. Both vehicles were…