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Wreckage of a bus after it fell over

"Saturday night tragedy - scene in the ravine at Two Miles in Alderton near Claremont in St. Ann showing the remains of the Sunbeam Bus and the section [arrow] where it left the road Saturday night."

Wreaths on African tombstone at the 2012 Emancipation Vigil, held at Seville Heritage Park, St. Ann

Four wreaths laid by Sir. Patrick Allen, Hon. Portia Simpson-Miller, Shahine Robinson and Lisa Hanna on the tomb at the Seville Heritage Park, in tribute to African ancestors who died between 1670 and 1780.

Wrapping cut bananas in leaves and carting to wharf
Workers on a banana plantation wrapping the bananas in leaves and loading them onto a cattle-drawn cart for transportation to wharf.

Wounded in hospital

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Care being administered to the ill and injured in a historic hospital.

Worthy Park in the Vale of Lluidas

Scenic view of the Worthy Park Estate in Lluidas Vale, St. Catherine.

Worthy Park Estate entrance

A tractor being driven by factory workers through the entrance of the Worthy Park Estate. At the entrance are palm and other trees as well as an old equipment that was once used on the estate.

World's first sun powered cycle

"The lady above has that free-wheeling feeling as she demonstrates the world's first solar-powered cycle in Cologne, West Germany.

In the light of the critical oil price trend, many electronics companies feel that solar energy has a bright future.…