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  • Tags: Jamaica - Politics and government

Sir Alexander Bustamante

Portrait of the Right Honourable Alexander Bustamante, Jamaica's first Prime Minister and one of Jamaica's national hero.

Opening of Parliament, Hon. D.B. Sangster and Hon. Hugh Shearer

Former Jamaican Prime Ministers, Honourable Donald B. Sangster and Honourable Hugh Shearer, walking towards the Gordon House for the opening of Parliament. In the background is the Speaker of the House beside Edward Seaga, along with other…

Norman Manley taking the Oath of Allegiance as a member of the House of Representative, February 3, 1955

Mr. Norman Manley, Q.C., taking the oath of allegiance before signing the roll as a Member of the House of Representatives, Mr. Clinton Hart (right), Clerk of the Legislature administers the oath.

Edward Seaga joins in kumina session at Waterloo in East, St. Catherine

"Seaga's interest in Jamaica's folklore never dies...As the JLP Action Team moves on, one of the happiest scenes was the Leader, Eddie Seaga, relaxed, taking time out to join in one of his favourite interests. Eddie Seaga, being personally involved…

N.W. Manley Community Complex (Mount Charles)

"Prime Minister Michael Manley addressing residents at the official opening ceremony of the N.W. Manley Community Complex in Mount Charles, East Rural St Andrew, Sunday. Others seated on the platform from left to right are Rev. J.W. Harpaul, Mrs.…

Sang Jin Choi

"...Prime Minister Shearer [second right]. Far right is former Minister of Health Herbert Eldemire and to the far left is Dr. Y. H. Kim, owner of the Korean Restaurant. The occasion was the Korean National Foundation Day at the Pegasus Hotel."

Desmond Campbell

"Governor General Florizel Glasspole [right] Acting Prime Minister PJ Patterson, and Police Commissioner Desmond Campbell take the salute yesterday afternoon at the Grand Gala at the National Stadium."