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- Tags: Prime ministers - Jamaica
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Michael Manley
Prime Minister Michael Manley firing a weapon at shooting range.
Michael Manley
Prime Minister Manley speaking at Gordon House. In the background are other politicians including P.J. Patterson.
Hon. P.J Patterson addressing the 6th Annual General Meeting of the Insurance Association of the Caribbean
"Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon. P.J. Patterson (at mic) addressing the Sixth Annual General Meeting of the Insurance Association of the Caribbean (IAC) today (September 21) at the Pegasus Hotel. Seated from Mr.…
Rastafarians meeting with Prime Minister Michael Manley in the conference room of Jamaica House
"Members of the Ras Tafarian groups from all parishes shown in the Conference Room at Jamaica House yesterday, for the second in a series of reasonings with the Prime Minister to seek greater recognition of the movement in the island, under its own…
Edward Seaga flanked by party supporters along with his mother (Mrs. Philip Seaga)
"Mr. Seaga flanked by party supporters, along with his mother [Mrs. Philip Seaga], left, as he prepares to give his acceptance speech at JLP headquarters on Thursday night. Beside him is his wife, Mitsy, and next to her is JLP Chairman, Ronald…
Desmond Campbell
"Governor General Florizel Glasspole [right] Acting Prime Minister PJ Patterson, and Police Commissioner Desmond Campbell take the salute yesterday afternoon at the Grand Gala at the National Stadium."
Hugh Shearer with Bustamante Secondary School students
"Testing the chair: Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hugh Shearer, [5th left] with students of the Bustamante Secondary School in Clarendon, try out the dental chair which Mr. Shearer presented to the school on Friday.…
P.J Patterson
"Industry, Tourism and Foreign Trade Minister P.J. Patterson again defending the Iranian Sugar Deal at the JAS Farmer's Conference at the George Lisle Education Centre yesterday."
Arnold Smith, Kenneth Kaunda and Michael Manley
"Commonwealth Secretary General Arnold Smith with Zambia's Kenneth Kaunda and Jamaica's Michael Manley, arriving at the Pegasus Hotel yesterday for the opening of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting."
Michael Manley and Henry Shlaudeman
"A letter from Henry K. U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Harry Shlaudeman, right, paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Michael Manley at Jamaica House yesterday morning, and is seen here handing him a letter from Secretary of State Henry…
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Drax Hall water wheel

Ruins of the water-wheel on the Drax Hall Estate that was founded in 1669 by William Drax. The water-wheel was used to provide power to turn on the…