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- Tags: Glasspole, Florizel, - 1909-2000
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Comedian Charles Hyatt & G.G. Florizel Glasspole
"First citizen Governor-Gerneal Florizel Glasspole [centre] rapping with comedian Charles Hyatt at King's House on Thursday evening. Looking on is Daily News reporter, Barbara Nelson. Occasion was a Press party hosted by Mr. Glasspole."
Dawn Williams-Lindo
"Parliamentary Secretary in Education Dawn Lindo (Second from right) repeats the oath as she is sworn in by the Governor-General. She is flanked by Senator Ellington (left) and Norma Segre."
Derrick Sangster
Parliamentary Secretary in Agriculture Ministry Derrick Sangster and Governor General Sir Clifford Campbell.
Desmond Campbell
"Governor General Florizel Glasspole [right] Acting Prime Minister PJ Patterson, and Police Commissioner Desmond Campbell take the salute yesterday afternoon at the Grand Gala at the National Stadium."
Dr. Cicely Williams O.M
"The nation's third Order of Merit was yesterday conferred on Dr. Cicely Williams for her outstanding public services in the field of medicine. Governor General Florizel Glasspole did the honours at Kings House. Dr. Williams was lauded for her long…
Euphemia Williams
"Euphemia Williams - one of the two female Parliamentary Secretaries."
Florizel Glasspole
Governor General, Florizel Glasspole, in his office.
Florizel Glasspole
Governor General Florizel Glasspole captured in office while working.
Florizel Glasspole and others
Governor General Sir Florizel Glasspole (in distance), Edna Manley and Michael Manley (front row) among others at a large gathering.
Florizel Glasspole at a function
Governor General Sir Florizel Glasspole (in distance), Edna Manley and Michael Manley (front row) among others at a large gathering.