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- Tags: Bus lines - Employees
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Bob Wilmer, JOS Acting Chief Engineer
"Telling the news: JOS Acting Chief Engineer Bob Wilmer [standing] talking to members of the news about the company's fleet. At table clockwise from left are Gleaner's Granville Carr, JBC's Audrey Buckle and Errol Russell, Daily News' Kenneth Davis…
Bus engine
"Bus engine being rebuilt at the JOS Tivoli Depot's engineering department. Gerald McLoud explains what is being done to restore this engine to managing director Frank Forbes [right]. At far left is central workshop foreman Anthony Whitelock."
Bus strike
"Corporate are commuters yesterday seeking other means of transportation after JOS workers walked off their jobs. Even the clock seemed to strike because this photograph was taken after 4:00pm."
Conscious and safe drivers
"Conscious and safe drivers: Part of the 503 male and female drivers who were presented with JOS Safe Driving Awards on Sunday, September 30, at a function held at Curphey Place. For the second straight year the Company's female drivers have…
Devington Fletcher
"Testing: Devington Fletcher doing some testing inside the company's Fuel Injection Test Room. One of JOS' aims is to improve fuel consumption."
Eric Bell at JOS depot
"Public Utilities Minister Eric Bell [Kareeba] raps with workers in the canteen of the J.O.S Depot which he toured recently. Left is Neville Brown, Personal Assistant to the Minister; in dark glasses is Assistant Engineer, Leslie Marsh, and to the…
Everett Parchment
"Labour and Employment Industrial Relations Director, Everett Parchment, gesticulating making a point during one of the meetings with JOS workers and management which brought the buses on the roads yesterday."
First 'Miss JOS'
"First Miss JOS [Jamaica Omnibus Services]: Mrs. Myrtle Burton, seated centre, winner of the first Miss JOS contest, wears a broad smile after a broad smile after she was crowned by Public Utilities and Transport Minister Carlyle Dunkley, at JOS'…
Fuel injection test room
"Employees at work in the Fuel Injection Test Room. Approximately $60,000 was spent recently on new equipment for the room."
Health Centre on King Street
"Ailing bus: a number of people were injured Thursday afternoon when this JOS bus crashed into the Health Centre on King Street. The bus was packed with people many of whom were coming from matinees."
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Voters at polling station, Half Way Tree Primary School

"Voters in the north central St. Andrew constituency read and talk as they wait their turn to cast their ballots at the polling station set up at the…