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  • Tags: Buses

Mavis Gibson, JOS driver

"One of seventeen: Mavis Gibson, J.O.S. bus driver received a certificate and cheque from Dr. Kenneth Rattray, Solicitor General, for one year of accident-free driving at a Safe Driving Awards Ceremony at the J.O.S. offices recently. Sixteen other…

National Vehicle Corporation workers

"Jamaican expertise on the go - Putting it together: National Vehicle Corporation workers assembling another bus for JOS at NavCo's Hanover Street, Kingston plant."

NAVCO assembling bus

"NAVCO's [National Vehicle Corporation] employees seen in the process of assembling one of the buses used by the Jamaica Omnibus Service Company. NAVCO employs some 70 people, all Jamaicans. They were trained by a leading U.K. - based bus-building…

NAVCO employee working on bus frame

"A NAVCO (National Vehicles Corporation) employee carries out work on a locally fabricated frame. The frames are designed with the maximum protection of passengers in mind and are well suited for rural operations. The buses also have a strengthened…

NAVCO's M-79 bus

"The finished product - one of NAVCO's (National Vehicles Corporation) latest designs, the M-79. More than 50% of the raw materials that have gone into the production of this bus were produced locally by suppliers and sub-contractors to…

New directors visit JOS

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"New directors visit J.O.S.: Led by Mr. A.Z. Preston, Chairman, several of the new Directors of the nationalized J.O.S. visited all the company's offices and depots on Thursday. The Directors were amused by this notice put up in the Bodyshop at the…

New JOS bus

"New JOS bus: Three of the Guy Victory J buses, produced by Leyland, arrived in the island from England Thursday for the JOS. The others are expected to come in by February next year.

Each bus is equipped with a five-speed semi-automatic gearbox…

New Leyland National

"One of seventeen new Leyland Nationals which have arrived from England in the past four weeks to join the Jamaica Omnibus Service's fleet, being unloaded from the M.V. Naturalist, at Western Terminals, Newport West, last week. A total of eight…

No. 29 JOS bus

A Leyland National bus operating under the Jamaica Omnibus Services (JOS) line.

Number 24 JOS terminus

"The No. 24 Terminus for 'Jolly Joe' at Hillside Crescent, Rennock Lodge. In the background is the Cement Factory. To the left, an uninhabited section of the Wareika Hills. The Rennock Lodge Youth Centre is out of sight, on the left."