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  • Tags: Prime ministers - Jamaica

Michael Manley

Members of the police force shield Prime Minister Michael Manley as scores of supporters surround him.

Michael Manley holding the rod

"The rod is back - PNP Leader Michael Manley holds aloft the "Rod of Heavy Manner" at the highpoint during his address to the mammoth 120,000 PNP rally in Montego Bay on Sunday night. The dramatic re-appearance of the rod came back as Mr. Manley said…

Gak Kyu Choi speaking with Prime Minister Michael Manley

“Light moment: Prime Minister Michael Manley seen in a light moment with South Korea’s Minister of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Gak Kyu Choi, who Called on the Prime Minister at Jamaica House on Wednesday, April 18. Mr. Gak Kyu Choi has been in Jamaica…

Frank Borman

"Prime Minister Michael Manley and Eastern Airlines chief executive and former astronaut Frank Borman at the Third Caribbean Tourism Conference in Ocho Rios this week. Both Mr. Manley and Mr. Borman addressed the opening session of the…

David Coore, Finance Minister

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"Welcome: Finance Minister David Coore greets Australian Deputy Prime Minister D. Cairns at Jamaica House yesterday morning. Behind Mr. Coore (left to right) are Prime Minister Michael Manley and Mining and Natural Resources Minister Allan Isaacs.…

Florizel Glasspole and others

Governor General Sir Florizel Glasspole (in distance), Edna Manley and Michael Manley (front row) among others at a large gathering.

Sang Jin Choi

"...Prime Minister Shearer [second right]. Far right is former Minister of Health Herbert Eldemire and to the far left is Dr. Y. H. Kim, owner of the Korean Restaurant. The occasion was the Korean National Foundation Day at the Pegasus Hotel."

Deputy P.M. David Coore and Wills O. Isaacs

"Deputy Prime Minister David Coore, (right) having discussions with High Commissioner for Canada Wills O. Isaacs at the Jamaican High Commission in Canada on the occasion of his visits to the Jamaican High Commission in Ottawa last week to hold…

Michael Manley addresses the congregation at the Arena

"Prime Minister Michael as he addressed the closing session of the annual assembly of the Church of God at the National Arena on Sunday night. Mr. Manley told the assembly that through self-reliance the spirit of love could be channeled into…