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Seymour Place
Pedestrians walking along the streets at Seymour Place. A statue stands at the entrance to what seems like a park. Also seen are flags, street signs and electric lines.

Sewing in progress

Employees sewing at their stations at a factory in Above Rocks, St. Catherine.

Seville Heritage Park - African Jamaican House

Replica of an African-Jamaican house at Seville Heritage Park.

Seville Great House

Front view of the refurbished Seville Great House. The front yard is well manicured and there are brick stairs leading up to the entrance of the house. There are two cannons on either side of the first set of stairs.

Seville Estate - Waterwheel

A large waterwheel on the Seville Estate.

Seville Estate - Kiln

A kiln on the Seville Estate that was once used for drying copra while the estate was in operation.

Seville Estate - Hoskin's Burial Site

Burial site of William Hoskin, owner of the Seville Estate and his family, on the Seville Estate.

Severed car door

"A lone door, like a severed limb, rests forlornly against the trunk of a tree, near Innswood."

Seventh Day Adventist

"Newly ordained minister Doderich Kennedy receiving his certificates of Ordination from West Indies Union representatives W. McMillan at the ordination service at the Spanish Town SDA church on Saturday. The other two ministers who were ordained…