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Pearnel Charles

Minister Pearnel Charles speaking at the Insurance Company of the West Indies' (ICWI) Road Angel Awards ceremony.

Pearnel Charles at National Water Commission meeting

"Local Government Minister Pearnel Charles [fourth left] speaking at a National Water Commission meeting yesterday at the Kingston Intercontinental Hotel. Others from left are: Sydney Small NWC managing director; Andy Abrahams, deputy chairman of the…

Pearnel Charles with JPS Board of Directors

"First meeting: Public Utilities and Transport Minister Pearnel Charles attending his first meeting with the Board of Directors of Jamaica Public Service Company on February 18. From left to right are Colin Cooke, Russell Hadeed, Roosevelt DaCosta,…

Pearnel Charles

"The restructuring of the Jamaica Omnibus Service [JOS], was the focus of the address delivered by Public Utilities and Transport Minister Pearnel Charles [left] at the JOS Safe Driving Awards luncheon at the Hotel Oceans last week."

Senator Pearnel Charles

"Senator Pearnel Charles stands inside the gate of his home on Elmwood Terrace, Red Hills, to which he is still confined under the State of Emergency. He spends a lot of time gardening, watched by his five dogs including two Alsatians and a…

Pearnel Charles, Public Utilities and Transport Minister

"Power Barge Talks: Public Utilities and Transport, Minister Pearnel Charles [third left] with a team from his Ministry and the JPSCO, met with a group of US Army Corp representatives last week to discuss the possibility of Jamaica receiving a load…

Pearnel Charles leading his contingent of JLP councillors

"East St. Thomas MP and Local Government Minister Pearnel Charles leading his contingent of 17 JLP Councillors to the St. Thomas Parish Council Chamber for the swearing-in ceremony last Thursday. Beside the Minister at left is 29-year-old Councillor…