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  • Tags: Whiteman, Burchell, 1938-

Western Science Teachers Exhibition

"The Environmental Effect of Bauxite Mining holds a very special interest for Mr. Frazer Perry [right], Operations Manager of Kaiser Jamaica Bauxite Company at the recent Western Science Teachers Exhibition held at the Community College in Brown's…

Kaiser Jamaica Bauxite Company's operations manager, Frazer Perry

"Kaiser Jamaica Bauxite Company's Operations manager, Frazer Perry, delivering the main address at the opening of the Western Science Teachers' Exhibition held over a three-day period, beginning last Wednesday. The 18-year-old annual exhibition which…

Minister of Education, Hon. Burchell Whiteman

Minister of Education, Hon. Burchell Whiteman looking through a book during his visit to the National Library of Jamaica (NLJ) on October 29, 1996. Present were Prof. Daphne Douglas, Mr. John Aarons and members of the NLJ board.