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Little boy leafing through his book on planes
"Gifts such as story books, craft books...were given to the youngsters. Here this little boy leafs through his little book on planes - gift from Sangsters Book Stores."
Tags: Books; Children - Jamaica
Carla Card receives gift
Student, Carla Card, receiving a copy of the book "Alexander Bustamante: Portrait of a Hero".
Gary Rosenberg
Dr. Gary Rosenberg of Philadelphia's Malacology and Invertebrate Paleontology Academy of Natural Sciences, consulting books at a library of Jamaica.
Books being handed over to the G.C. Foster College of Physical Education and Sports
Copies of books being handed over to the GC Foster College of Physical Education and Sports in Spanish Town, St. Catherine. At the handing over event is Sir Clifford Campbell, former Governor General of Jamaica.
Algon Samuels
Councillor Algon Samuels, Mayor of the KSAC, holding a copy of the book "Kingston 100".
Ambassador Gideon Saguy
"A gift of books from Israel to Jamaica being presented to Jamaica Library Service Board chairman C.L. Stuart (right) by Israeli Ambassador Gideon Saguy (centre). JLS acting director Mrs. Sybil Iton (second from left) and acting deputy director…
Handing over of the copy of a book titled 'Your child and you'
"Present at the hand-over of a copy of "Your Child and You" to IYC patron Beverley Manley were from left: Faith MacDonald, of Kingston Publisher; Mrs. Angela Wong (Colgate), Miss Claudette Atkins (VOUCH), Mrs. Manley, Dr. Wright, Mrs. Carmen…
Tags: Books; Manley, Beverley, - 1941-
Rotary receives books from JAMAC
"Rotary received books from the Jamaica American Medical Assistance Committee [JAMAC]: Rotary President Keble Williams and JAMAC Member Herman Spoerri discuss the supplementary reading material which will be distributed throughout Jamaica by the…
Mrs. Kitty Williams
"Mrs. Kitty Williams examines 1st book donated by her company to the Pharmaceutical Library."
Tags: Book donations; Books; Library employees
Mrs. Beverley Manley receiving books for children at Jamaica House
"Receiving books for children: Mrs. Beverley Manley [3rd left] looking at a 16-page book of children's poetry, 'Through a Child's Eye'. The book was one of a collection presented to her at Jamaica House yesterday [March 19] by Mrs. Pat Persaud…
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Albert George Market Clocktower
Clocktower above the Albert George Market in the Falmouth Water Square. It was built in 1894.