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- Tags: Societies and clubs - Jamaica
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Alvaro Casserly
"Acting Deputy of Rotary Club, Alvaro Casserly."
Rotary receives books from JAMAC
"Rotary received books from the Jamaica American Medical Assistance Committee [JAMAC]: Rotary President Keble Williams and JAMAC Member Herman Spoerri discuss the supplementary reading material which will be distributed throughout Jamaica by the…
Members of the Georgian Society
Some members of the Georgian Society of Jamaica, touring Spanish Town and capturing photographs of buildings. A man on a bicycle is riding by the group.
Terry Campbell
"Terry [Terrence] Campbell, marketing officer at Barclays Bank of Jamaica Ltd. [left] presenting Cecil Townsend, president of the St. Patrick's Youth Club, with a cheque to help the newly formed club purchase gear and instruments for its drum corps."
Sylvester Campbell
"Some time ago, the Lions Club of St. Andrew adopted the Stony Hill Approved School as its major Youth Project. Apart from arranging gifts from Messrs. Bata Shoe Co. of a pair of shoes for each boy, supplying uniforms, the boys have been treated to…
Dr. Sydney Scott
"There is a crisis in the area of work attitude in Jamaica," said Dr. Sydney Scott, Principal of the Glenmuir High School as he addressed the monthly meeting of the Lions Club of Clarendon. Maurice Azan the club's President is sitting at the head of…
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St. Mary Parish Church
Photograph of the St. Mary Parish Church, erected on June 5, 1861. In the church yard are several tombstones; a clock tower is also attached to the…