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- Tags: School principals - Jamaica
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Kaiser Jamaica Bauxite Company's operations manager, Frazer Perry
"Kaiser Jamaica Bauxite Company's Operations manager, Frazer Perry, delivering the main address at the opening of the Western Science Teachers' Exhibition held over a three-day period, beginning last Wednesday. The 18-year-old annual exhibition which…
Dr. A.J Perrelli
Albert Joseph Perrelli, former principal of the Belair School in Mandeville, Manchester.
P.J. Patterson and Mr. R. Chambers
"Miss H. Campbell, Principal of Peggy Barry Primary School in Westmoreland (fourth left) talks about some of the problems at her school. Listening are (left to right) the Minister of Education Dr. Phyllis MacPherson-Russell, Foreign Affairs Minister…
Con A. Pink presents the Kaiser Bauxite Trophy for Creative Arts
"The Kaiser Bauxite Company's supervisor of employee welfare and community activities Con. A. Pink presents the Kaiser Bauxite Trophy for Creative Arts to a representative of Sanguinette House during the recent prize-giving function at the Muschett…
Noel Chaplin, General Manager of Alpart shares an amusing anecdote with audience
"Noel Chaplin, General Manager of Alpart, shares an amusing anecdote with the large audience, as he gave the main address at the prize-giving ceremony of Hampton High School recently. Seated on the platform are: Front row: [left-right] Jackie Minott…
Wesley White
Portrait of Mr. Wesley [or Wellesley] White, former headmaster of Rusea's High School.
Dr. Dudley Stokes
"Dr. Dudley Stokes delivering the key note address at the function held to Honour Mrs. Una Randall, retired principal of Sav-la-mar Infant School. The function was held at Manning's School Auditorium."
Dr. Dudley Stokes
"Dr. Dudley Stokes, Headmaster, Cornwall College."
Dr. Dudley Stokes
"St. Mary RM Pauline Gibson, cutting the ribbon to officially open the new bus shelter built by the Sandside Citizens Association, St. Mary. Rev. Dr. D. Stokes holds the microphone. The bus shelter began as a Labour Day project."
Dr. Dudley Stone
"The Sandside Citizens Association are proud of their new bus shelter which was dedicated recently. Work on the shelter began on Labour Day and Association president S. McNeish said that the shelter was done with the motto in mind: Live, love and…