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- Tags: Trucks
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Overturned trailer in Westmoreland
"On the way to the Frome sugar factory from Farm in Westmoreland these two trailers overturned earlier this week about one mile apart. The trailer [at left] met its fate on Monday while the other overturned on Tuesday. The driver of the second unit…
Overturned truck on main road in St. Ann
"Atkins truck which recently overturned on the main road between Lime Hall and St. Ann's Bay."
Crashed truck in Holland Bamboo archway
"Mystery crash: this truck crashed an`d was extensively damaged in the Holland Bamboo archway in St. Elizabeth sometime on Saturday morning. Up to late Saturday morning the Lacovia police who are investigating the circumstances under which the…
Tags: Truck accidents - Jamaica; Trucks
Spilled boxes with motor oil
"Remembering no doubt that its an ill-wind that blows nobody any good, police went quickly to Breezy Castle, Harbour Street Wednesday, to prevent a chance happening turning into a windfall. Several cases of motor oil fell off this laden truck and…
Tags: Flatbed trucks; Lubricating oils; Trucks
Truck tipping marl to repair road
"Road repairs: A truck unloads marl on a road-way in Portmore, as part of a $15,000 programme of road repairs now in progress."
Gilda flood victims
"For future use: a young girl carefully places a mop with her parents luggage."
Trailer truck crash in Roach Gully St. Thomas
"Splish splash - This trailer truck with its cargo of molasses on its way from Duckensfield Sugar Company LImited factory in St. Thomas to Port Esquivel in St. Catherine got out of control and overturned. This happened on Thursday night along the…
Accident along Windward Road
"When this tanker got involved in an accident along the Windward Road on Monday. It lost both front wheels and caused traffic snarl. It also brought out this typically expressive posture from this little girl on her way home from the shop with…
Flour truck at Kingston Wharves
"Flour for days - Baking flour is a scarce commodity these days. But counter flour is available in many places. And here at Kingston Wharves yesterday this truck seemed to have gotten too much. The truck driver was making his exit from the wharves…
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Victoria Jubilee Hospital

"HOSPITAL BLACKLASH: Mothers shown heading home from the Victoria Jubilee Hospital yesterday after nurses stopped working in protest against lax…