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  • Tags: Hospital patients - Jamaica

National Chest Hospital

"Mrs. Faith Jumpp [left] director of the Canadian Save the Children's Fund [Cansave] handing over asthmatic drugs and inhalers valued at C$13,640 to Dr. Ashok Kumar of the National Chest Hospital recently. To the left of Mrs. Jumpp is Dr. Muriel…

Kingston Public Hospital

Large crowd gathered outside on the Kingston Public Hospital grounds during an event.

Folk singing from the Howard and Deer duet

"Folk-singing from the Howard and Deer duet was taken indoors during their performance. They are seen here on a male Ward presenting a number."

KPH Concert

"KPH Concert: The popular Caribbean folk-singing duet, Howard and Deer, seen giving a concert for patients of the Kingston Public Hospital. The concert, now a regular Sunday afternoon feature, is another highlight in the series of events…

Princess Margaret Hospital poison victim

"Poison Victim: Wilma Thomas, 27, relates to Health Minister Dr. Ken Baugh, at Princess Margaret Hospital how her four-year-old daughter Gaye Ann Holness died after eating rice and peas and chicken for Sunday dinner last week in St. Thomas. Nine…

Bellevue sports day

"All In The Game: Walking may not be recognized by many as a top sport but it was to the inmates and staff of Bellevue Hospital on their Sports Day at the hospital grounds last Wednesday. In picture Oswald Sewell is way out in front to take first…

Fun time, Bellevue

"Fun time at Bellevue: Children from the Mentally Handicapped Unit of the hospital trying out new pool presented to them by the Kiwanis Club of Northern St. Andrew. Hospital personnel and Kiwanis club members watch the youngsters at play."