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Kingston Public Hospital
Large crowd gathered outside on the Kingston Public Hospital grounds during an event.
Folk singing from the Howard and Deer duet
"Folk-singing from the Howard and Deer duet was taken indoors during their performance. They are seen here on a male Ward presenting a number."
KPH Concert
"KPH Concert: The popular Caribbean folk-singing duet, Howard and Deer, seen giving a concert for patients of the Kingston Public Hospital. The concert, now a regular Sunday afternoon feature, is another highlight in the series of events…
Staffers of the Kingston Public Hospital
"Family Affair: staffers of the KPH pose before the gates with the wife of the Prime Minister, Mrs. Beverley Manley (fourth from left) and wives of Cabinet Ministers who made a joint tour of the hospital in September."
Bellevue Hospital donations
"Woman's Club president Mrs. Louis Byles hands over a record player to Edson Nugent, charge nurse of Villa Ward of Bellevue Hospital on Thursday morning. The player was one of a number of items donated to the ward when the Woman's Club gave a…
Fun time, Bellevue
"Fun time at Bellevue: Children from the Mentally Handicapped Unit of the hospital trying out new pool presented to them by the Kiwanis Club of Northern St. Andrew. Hospital personnel and Kiwanis club members watch the youngsters at play."
Registration of hospital staff
"Registration of hospital staff for literacy classes taking place at the Bellevue Hospital this week, for the adult education centre located on the compound which will be opened on Monday October 14. Classes will be held at four levels on Mondays to…
Post Basic Psychiatric Nursing Programme graduation
"Well Done: Mr. H. Stewart (left) one of the 22 graduates of the Post Basic Psychiatric Nursing Programme gets words of advice from former matron of the Bellevue Hospital, Mrs. Pearl Johnston Davis, at the graduation ceremony held at Bellevue…
Bellevue Hospital receiving gifts
"Bellevue Hospital received a gift of two trolleys, a wheelchair and chairs from members of the Ki-Ring Club yesterday."
Rotoract Club hands over a cheque to Bellevue Hospital
"Photo shows a delegation from the Rotoract Club of Kingston as they handed over a a cheque for $1,100 to the Bellevue Hospital's administration on Friday, October 15. The money, which will be used in the Hospital's renovation and improvement…