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- Tags: Automobiles - Collision damage
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A mangled wreck
"You'd have a difficult task discovering the make of this mangled wreck."
Accident along Bamboo Avenue in St. Elizabeth
"Death van: seen in the picture above is the Datsun van which brought death to Austin Lloyd Asher 25, a driver attached to Mutual Life, when it crashed along Bamboo Avenue in Holland, St. Elizabeth on Sunday morning. Also injured were Phillis and…
Accident along Red Hills Road
"For the garage: these two cars will need to have repairs after being involved in an accident along Red Hills Road yesterday. Both cars were travelling in the same direction when the accident occurred at about 2:30pm. Car at left, an Oldsmobile was…
Accident along Spanish Town Road
"The driver of the Vauxhall [above], and his companion narrowly escaped possible serious injuries yesterday morning after colliding with another car on the Spanish Town Road opposite the Berger Paints factory. A stone seen under the right front wheel…
Accident at Harbour View round-about
"Wheels up: This car was proceeding in the vicinity of Harbour View round-about when it overturned on Saturday morning. The occupants escaped with only slight injuries."
Accident at Oxford Road and Half Way Tree Road intersection
"The traffic lights at Oxford Road and Half Way Tree Road intersection, do not prevent accidents like that pictured above happening with increasing frequency. This has caused speculation on whether the phasing of the lights is faulty, or whether more…
Accident at Waltham Park and Hagley Park Roads intersection
"All systems go: that is how eye witnesses reported the traffic lights at the intersection of Waltham Park and Hagley Park Roads at about noon yesterday shortly before this smash up. All lights were said to be showing green, when the taxi at left…
Accident in Harbour View
"Accident in Harbour View leaving six people injured and one hospitalized."
Accident on bridge east of Port Antonio
"This bridge just over a mile, east of Port Antonio is said to have demolished more cars, than any other bridge in Jamaica. Its latest victim was this NC 1009 owned by Martins Car-Rental, and driven by American tourist Marvin of 1298 N.W. 10th…
Accident on Brunswick Avenue
"...A car which crashed into the back of a parked truck on Brunswick Avenue."
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Hussay Festival

Photograph depicting a large gathering in Westmoreland, in celebration of the Hussay, a traditional East Indian religious festival.