Browse Items (3 total) Tags: Architecture, Georgian (Jamaica) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse References Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Court House, Spanish Town Image of the old Spanish Town Court House before it was destroyed by fire in 1986. Tags: Architecture, Georgian (Jamaica); Buildings; Courthouses - Jamaica; Courthouses - St. Catherine; Spanish Town (St. Catherine, Jamaica); St. Catherine (Jamaica) Bath Court House Image of the historic Bath Courthouse, built in 1747, before being destroyed by fire. Tags: Architecture, Georgian (Jamaica); Bath (St. Thomas (Jamaica); Courthouses - Jamaica; Historic buildings - Jamaica; St. Thomas (Jamaica) Court House, Bath (St. Thomas in the East) Lithograph of a scene at the Courthouse in Bath, St. Thomas. A man and woman are talking to the man wearing a white suit and riding a horse. Another man, wearing a blue jacket, is on the horse behind, and two other horses with covered loads are… Tags: Architecture, Georgian (Jamaica); Bath (St. Thomas (Jamaica); Courthouses - Jamaica; Historic buildings - Jamaica; Horses; Soldiers; St. Thomas (Jamaica) Featured Item Scholars and teacher A group of students from rural Jamaica and their teacher stand before an old school building.