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  • Tags: Businessmen - Jamaica

Ronald Sasso

"L-R: Sheldon McDonald of the Ministry of Mobilization; Ron Sasso - Managing Director of the Royal Bank Jamaica Limited; Mark Figueroa - Lecturer at the U.W.I.; Dr. Huntley Manhertz - General Manager National Savings Committee; and Tony Johnson -…

Ronald Sasso

"Chairman and managing Director of Royal Bank Jamaica, Ronald Sasso, making the keynote address at the Desnoes and Geddes annual awards ceremony at the Pegasus Hotel, Saturday night."

Mr. Ronald Sasso

"Mr. Ronald Sasso, Vice-President of the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica, congratulates Mr. Errol Stewart, the G. Arthur Brown Award winner for 1980, after his selection."

Sasso, R.S. - Royal Bank

"Finance Minister Coore signs the loan agreement. Representatives of the commercial banks included [from left] C. Henriques of Scotia, Don Banks of Barclays and R.S. Sasso of Royal Bank."

Alty Sasso (chairman)

"Jamaica Chesire Village, local affiliate of Chesire Foundation Homes for the Sick, on Wednesday received a $12,500,000 boost from Scotiabank Jamaica Limited. This sum will defray the cost of one house out of twenty houses projected for the scheme.…

Dr. Ian Sangster

"World Bank visit to world's end - World Bank advisors to the Bank of Jamaica, together with officers of the Jamaica Export Credit Insurance Corporation recently visited the liqueur factory of Dr. Ian Sangster and Company Limited at World's End, high…

Dr. Ian Sangster

"The man behind the gold medal liqueurs: Dr. Ian Sangster pouring the "Forget Me Not" cocktail into glasses for guests at the official ceremony of the inaugural flight of American Airlines to Jamaica recently. Dr. Sangster was promoting the cocktail…

Roy Salter

"Inspecting the plan: Health Minister Douglas Manley (left) looking at the plan for the upgrading of the Hagley Park Health Clinic. With him are Colgate-Palmolive Company managing Director, Roy Salters (centre) and architect Hal Lawson."