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Roman Catholic Cathedral, Kingston

The Holy Trinity Cathedral located on North Street, Kingston and built in 1911 to replace the Holy Trinity Church on Duke and Sutton Streets,Kingston, that was destroyed by the 1907 earthquake.

Roman Catholic Cathedral, Kingston
The Roman Catholic Cathedral completely destroyed in the aftermath of the earthquake on January 14, 1907.

Roman Catholic Cathedral after the earthquake

Ruins of the Roman Catholic Cathedral, located at the corner of Duke and Sutton streets, Kingston, after being destroyed by earthquake in 1907.

Roman Catholic

"Bishop Edgerton R. Clarke, D.D. (left) delivered the homily in the Concelebrated Mass, and Father James Barry, S.J. (right) organised by the programme."

Roman Catholic

"A group of 155 Catholics recently left the island on a pilgrimage to Rome to participate in the celebration of Holy Year 1975. They were led by Archbishop Carter and Father Meany (at centre) and are shown shortly before boarding their Air Jamaica…

Roman Catholic

"The new church of Our Lady of Fatima, built on the old site on Main Street, Ocho Rios, will be dedicated June 22, 1975. Onesto Maffessanti, builder and contractor, who built the church and Rev. Fr. James H. Barry, pastor of the church are shown in…

Roman Catholic

"The Five Sisters sing a hymn of thanksgiving after the profession of their vows."

Roman Catholic

"Easter Sunday disgrace: The faithful at the Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church on Halfway Tree Road turned up yesterday for Easter Sunday services in the high spirits of the traditional Christian celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. But…