Browse Items (10007 total)

Overturned car in Edgewater, St. Catherine

"This motorcar skidded on the Edgewater main road Saturday morning and ended up on its top. The driver, the sole occupant, was injured."

Truck in Clamstead District gully

"Both driver and sideman escaped with out slight injuries when this truck got out of control and ended up in the gully at Clamstead District near Lime Hall in St. Ann last Tuesday. Owned by Athol B. Chin Trucking and Tractor Service in Montego Bay,…

Vehicles destroyed by fire

"The remains of a car and a bus which were destroyed by fire after a collision on the Rockfort Road on Saturday night. Reports are that the car was pushed off the road by the bus, and that the crew from the bus disappeared from the scene of the…

Accident along Washington Boulevard

"Taxi collided with truck along Washington Boulevard."

Mangled Vauxhall Victor motor car

"Sunday morning death: This Vauxhall Victor motor car brought death to Aston Lloyd Grey, its driver and only occupant after it blew a tyre while negotiating the Marescaux Road and Caledonia Avenue Avenue corner near Cross Roads about 11:00 yesterday…

Crashed motorcar along Mountain View Avenue

"A serious matter - it was C-H-E-E-S-E for some of these youngsters to get themselves in the picture when our photographer happened upon this crashed motorcar along Mountain View Avenue on Saturday night. But it was by no means a laughing matter for…

Car crash on rural road

Scene of a car accident in Darliston, Westmoreland.

Accident on Half Way Tree Road

"The sign to the left of this damaged Vauxhall motorcar says, "Uni Motors Quality Used Cars." It was not known if Uni-Motors which were agents for Vauxhall were interested in this Vauxhall which tangled with this JOS along Half Way Tree Road…

Overturned trailer in Westmoreland

"On the way to the Frome sugar factory from Farm in Westmoreland these two trailers overturned earlier this week about one mile apart. The trailer [at left] met its fate on Monday while the other overturned on Tuesday. The driver of the second unit…

Crashed Mini on Hope Road

"No the Mini did not hit the truck/ But both vehicles had something common to do their crashes - they hit a giant pothole on Hope Road. The mini turned over four times Tuesday evening before landing on a ditch at the side of the road. None of its…