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  • Collection: Daily News Collection

Kingston Public Hospital bicentennial celebration

"Governor General Florizel Glasspole puts a donation in the tin to launch the K.P.H. Bicentennial Tag Drive at King's House. Accepting the donation is Sister Yvonne Reid. Others from left are Radiographer M. Ayr and Matron Ellen Rob. The drive to…

Kingston Public Hospital employee demonstration

"The predominantly female accounting staff at the K.P.H. demonstrating over the absence of air-conditioning in their office. They have undergirded their complaint about the heat by appearing at work in short shorts and cool blouses, some knotted…

Spanish Town Hospital

"Handing over the Ultra Sound Linear Array Scanner to the Spanish Town Hospital by JAMAC. The machine is used in the early detection of multiple pregnancies. L-R: R.D. Shoucair, member of JAMAC; Ernest Hoo, Chairman of the Board - Spanish Town…

Kingston Public Hospital (KPH)

"The remainder of a fleet of ambulances at the Kingston Public Hospital which were on standby for emergencies during the nomination of candidates for the General Election on the previous day."

Kingston Public Hospital (KPH)

"K.P.H. gate at North and Princess Streets yesterday shortly after police arrested gate porter, Frank Hylton."

Kingston Public Hospital (KPH)

This will soon be a scene of the past. The many cars, minibuses, motorcycles, handcarts and pedestrians that add to the daily congestion on North Street between the Kingston Public and Jubilee hospitals will no longer do so following a decision of…

Bellevue Hospital

This inmate inside has been locked away. There is no bed and the floor is of concrete.

Bridgeport Road

"Two road users attempt to navigate this treacherously cratered section of Bridgeport Road, near Germaine Drive in Portmore. This road has been going to pot 15 months now."

Conditions at Bellevue Hospital

Male patients of the Bellevue Hospital located in Kingston. There are several unoccupied beds strewn across the ward.