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  • Collection: Daily News Collection

M. Claude Cheysson shares with P.J. Patterson

"Farmers Union Dinner: Industry, Commerce and Tourism Minister P.J. Patterson, at left, listens to a point made by EEC Commissioner for Negotiations with Developing Countries M. Claude Cheysson, while Madame Cheysson shares a joke with National…

Yvonne Tyson

"Miss Yvonne Tyson, 18 year old typist, Miss Manchester."

Students in Math class

"This youngster at right seems quite at home, as he works out a mathematical problem."

Staffers of the Kingston Public Hospital

"Family Affair: staffers of the KPH pose before the gates with the wife of the Prime Minister, Mrs. Beverley Manley (fourth from left) and wives of Cabinet Ministers who made a joint tour of the hospital in September."

The Dam of Jizan in the south of Saudi Arabia

"The Dam of Jizane in the south of Saudi Arabia - Saudi Arabia or the New Frontier by G. Gastoriades."

Double breasted jacket

"The new dandies - by J. Claude. Christian Dior: double-breasted jacket in black and white checks, with four buttons and wide sharp-pointed lapels. Straight trousers with ecru flannel turn-overs."

Marina Picasso displays one of the vases she designed

"Marina Picasso, center, displays one of the vases she designed and which are being shows at a Paris art gallery. At the unveiling of her work Monday, Marina said she hoped her work would not be compared with that of her grandfather, Pablo Picasso.…

Accident on the Spanish Town Highway in the vicinity of Sterling Drugs

"Wheels up! Curious persons viewing two motor vehicles which overturned on the Kingston - Spanish Town Highway in the vicinity of Sterling Drugs on Wednesday afternoon. The vehicles involved were a Valiant motor car with registration NE 9418…

Miss Jamaica, Patsy Yuen helped brighten the annual KSAC treat by distributing Christmas presents

"The Queen and the kids: One tiny tot comes in for special attention from Miss Jamaica, Patsy Yuen, at the Jamaica House part on Thursday for children from Maxfield Children's Home. Miss Yuen helped brighten the annual KSAC treat by distributing…