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  • Tags: Models (Persons)

Lady posing in flared evening gown

"A model wearing an evening gown made with skirt worn with flimsy scarf around the waist. A broad hat and a pair of gloves were worn to complete the floral dress."

Young girl modelling in a jumper suit (little Natalie)

"Little Natalie shows off a floral knicker-bocker suited for any occasion."

Two-piece hostess gown

"A two piece hostess gown in dark-brown polyester knit with draped, wrap-around top ending in a sash tied at front. Finished with wide flared skirt."

Sandra Cunningham and Deborah Whittingham model pants

"Sandra Cunningham and Deborah Whittingham model the latest skin-fit pants by Ferlucci."

Model shows kimono at the opening of Fashion fair

"London Fashion Fair opens: A model shows a kimono by Novelle Thursday in London at the opening of the London Fashion Fair International."