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  • Collection: St. Catherine, Jamaica

Poor House in Spanish Town

Exterior view of the Poor House in Spanish Town, St. Catherine. Residents are sitting or standing on the verandah. Two men are standing beside the building.

Power House Rio Cobre
The Rio Cobre Power Station next to a metal flume

Public Square in Spanish Town
A view of the public square in Spanish Town showing public buildings - one partly hidden by plants in a garden at the street corner.

Rio Cobre Dam

The Rio Cobre Dam during a period of drought in 2014.

Rio Cobre Dam, St. Catherine

Sign on a wall at the Rio Cobre Dam that was recommissioned on September 18, 1995 by the Honourable P.J. Patterson, then Prime Minister of Jamaica. The Rio Cobre Dam was reconstructed after the original dam was destroyed by the flood of May 21, 1991.

Road to Bog Walk
A lone carriage travels along the road in the Bog Walk Gorge. The river meanders next to the road.

Rodney Memorial, Spanish Town

Image showing the Rodney Memorial in the Rodney Memorial Square, Spanish Town.

Sign at Bog Walk Gorge

A sign on a stone wall at Bog Walk Gorge in St. Catherine showing the flood level on August 16, 1933 after heavy rains. The stone wall was completed in 1874.