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A steam shovel buried at Ancon Quarry
A steam shovel buried at Ancon Quarry.

A Steam shovel during a flood at Empire, Panama Canal
A steam shovel being used to clear the water way during a flood at Empire, Panama Canal.

A steel band

Musical performance by an all-male steel band. The steel pans were made from Esso metal drums.

A Street in Montego Bay

A street in Montego Bay, lined with commercial buildings and utility poles, pedestrians walking on the sidewalk, vehicles driving along the road, vehicles including a volkswagen van parked on the roadway.

A street in Port Royal, Jamaica

One of the photographs taken from the Gardner's Series showing buildings along a street in Port Royal, Jamaica.

A Street Market at Montego Bay
Shoppers and vendors interacting at a street market in Montego Bay, Jamaica

A Street Market at Montego Bay, January, 1961

Shoppers and vendors at a street market in Montego Bay, St. James, January 1961.

A street scene in Montego Bay

A street scene in Montego Bay in January 1961.

A suburban residence near Kingston, 1958 - Devon House

Two-storey dwelling with shingled roof. Tall palm trees and a fountain are on the property before the house.