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McGregor Gully

"The McGregor Gully in spate yesterday. Left of picture shows where a section of the retaining wall was washed away."

Prime Minister Manley at McGregor Gully

"Prime Minister Manley gets a helping hand across a flooded area during his tour of the McGregor Gully in Vineyard Town yesterday."

St. James to Hanover main road

"Preliminary estimates for damage to Parish Council Roads in rural St. James have been set at over $800,000 by Mayor Charles Sinclair. Estimates for roads maintained by the Public Works Department are not yet available but are expected to run into…

Riverside Drive, Heavendale

"The water transported a lot of mud and rubbish on Riverside Drive in Heavendale, forcing residents to clear their gateways yesterday afternoon."

Seabreeze Avenue, Kingston 2

"Divided house: Mr. Aston Harris' house was divided Wednesday morning when the McGregor Gully (at Sea Breeze Avenue) retaining wall gave way sending an avalanche of water into the foundations. A bedroom, living and dining room along with furniture…

Seivwright Garden, Waltham Park Rd.

"Washed away - The retaining wall of this gully near to Seivwright Gardens on the Waltham Park Road was washed away along with a number of items by the flood rains."