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Senator Pearnel Charles

".....we carried a picture of Senator Pearnel Charles he was dressed in this elegant.....-or one just like it - which we said was a Kareeba. Not so said his wife, who made it. This is no Kareeba; it is an "American Cut."
Well whatever it is, he was…

Senator Pearnel Charles

"Senator Pearnel Charles stands inside the gate of his home on Elmwood Terrace, Red Hills, to which he is still confined under the State of Emergency. He spends a lot of time gardening, watched by his five dogs including two Alsatians and a…

Senator Pearnel Charles

"An unusual occurrence was this partially filled gallery in the Senate Friday. They were there to hear Senator Pearnel Charles speak in the State of the Nation Debate."

Senator Michael Manley

Portrait of Michael Manley, captured after his appointment to Jamaica's Senate.

Senator Maurice Tenn gets set to cut Pete's Patties birthday cake

"Patty celebration: Senator Maurice Tenn gets set to cut Pete's Patties birthday cake. The 3ft. cake was in the shape of a patty. The occasion marked two years of operation by Pete's Patties in the Terrace, 140 Red Hills Road and featured music by…

Senator Maurice Tenn at CICJ

"The Government in Jamaica has no intention of taking over the insurance industry in Jamaica." Senator Maurice Tenn, Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, seen addressing the closing sessions of the Caribbean Insurance Conference. Also…

Senator Maurice Tenn

Senator Maurice Tenn cutting ribbon.

Senator Maurice Tenn

"Closing address: Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, Senator Maurice Tenn, as he delivered the closing address at the eighth general assembly of the Inter-American Centre of Tax Administrators at the Pegasus Hotel. The assembly which…

Senator G. S. Ranglin Minister without portfolio
George Samuels Ranglin, president of the Senate of Jamaica (1962 - 1972) sitting at a table persuing a document.