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- Tags: Public officers - United States
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Foreign Affairs Minister P.J Patterson presents Mayor Ferre with a set of prints of Old Jamaica
"Foreign Affairs Minister P.J. Patterson [second from left], presents Mayor Ferre with a set of prints of old Jamaica at the Trade Fair of the Americas held recently at the Coconut Grove Exhibition Centre, Miami. Looking on are Jamaican Consul…
US Embassy's Administrative Officer Gus Peleuses signing an agreement
"Lease agreement: United States Embassy's Administrative Officer Gus Peleuses [second left] signing the agreement for lease of a section of the Jamaica Mutual Life Assurance Society building at the corner of Oxford and Old Hope Roads. Others from…
Mr. Michael Carpenter and lady
Mr Michael Carpenter from the United States embassy, viewing items at the Jamaica Information Service.
Councillor Algon Samuels, Mayor of the K.S.A.C
"What are all the smiles for? Well it's a message of goodwill being handed to Mr. Ossie Clarke (left) President of the Customs Tourers of Jamaica by Councillor Algon Samuels, Mayor of the KSAC for the Mayor of New York John Lindsay. The tourers will…