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Mrs. Beverly Chen presenting grand prize to Charmaine Sanderson
"Grand prize winners - Mrs. Beverly Chen, Merchandise Sales Manager of Hopwood-Windsor Laboratories, presenting the Grand Prize to Charmaine Sanderson, winner of the 'Grand Flavour Aide Raid' competition sponsored by Hopwood-Windsor, Charmaine, of…
Tags: Award winners; Posters; Prizes, etc.; Women
Milton Chung receiving keys to new car
"A proud Milton Chung receiving keys to his new Toyota Cressida 2000 from Ken Witter, chairman of Corporate Area Fundraising Committee of South St. Elizabeth Medical Complex. From left are George Elliott, treasurer of the committee, and Vivian…
Costume designer, Raymond Chin
"Raymond on the go: Jamaica's top costume designer, Raymond Chin, (left) receiving a cheque from Wayne Chin of Cathay Restaurant for the 1977 Emmy Awards taking place in California at Caesars Palace on November 26. He has been selected as one of the…
Tags: Costume designers; Prizes, etc.
Raymond Chin receiving cheque
"Costume designer Raymond Chin (Right) receives a cheque for $500 from Bill Carter, public relations officer of JAMINTEL. This money will go toward constructing the eleven by nine foot costume 'The Magical Garden of San Pan' which has been entered in…
Tags: Costume designers; Prizes, etc.
Brenton Parker
"Brenton Parker receiving his prize from Tewani, Managing Director of the Mall and AM/FM transition radio from Gordon Tropical Jewellers."
Trudy Chin of Ardenne High
"Prizes for a young poetess: It was a pleasant moment for Trudy Chin of Ardenne High [third left] when she received a medal a medal and a certificate for her winning poem in the Shanker's international children's competition from Amelia Manners…
Tags: Education ministers; Prizes, etc.; Students
Gerald Burton
"Bonanza winners thrilled with their prizes: Racing Pools June Bonanza winners Mr. G.H. Harvey and Mrs. I.L. Cunningham were thrilled with the prizes presented to them at the Racing Promotions Limited Head Office on Friday, June 8. They were two of…
Mr. Jerry Christin receives gift from Mary Sorum
"Prize Winner: Mr. Jerry Christin, a visitor to Jamaica on the M.S. Starward, receives a prize gift of Tia Maria from Mrs. Sorum, Area Manager of the Jamaica Tourist Board's Port Antonio office. Mr. Christin won his prize in a "pass the hat" game at…
Tags: Alcoholic beverages; Liquors; Prizes, etc.
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Rozelle (or Roselle) Falls, St. Thomas

A small stream of water coming from Rozelle Falls, near the town of Morant Bay, St. Thomas.