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- Tags: Huts
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Members of a commune harvest grains
"At top left members of a commune in Suchien county, Kiangsu province, garner their grain harvest."
Hector's River Fishing Village c. 1930
A view of huts at the fishing village at Hector's River, Portland.
Ms. Pauline Petinaud in African flavor dress
"Sister P - Pauline Petinaud and her associated have taken over the Trans-Caribbean [Ironshore] beach and are busy puttin together a village with a distinct African flavour. Called the Damali Aitoro Village, the concept is to create an atmosphere of…
Native wedding party
A photograph of a large bridal party for a native wedding. They are standing by a hut.
Tags: Bridegrooms; Brides; Bridesmaids; Clothing and dress; Huts; Weddings
Resting after a day's work on banana field
A peasant family resting by a hut after a day's work on the banana field.
Tags: Agricultural labourers; Huts; Peasants; Thatched roofs
Small village with occupants
East Indian villagers standing in village, near huts with thatched roofs.
The barber
A barber grooming his client's hair outside a hut.
Tags: Barbers; Country life - Jamaica; Dwellings; Huts; Thatched roofs
Refugee camp
Cooking, cleaning and other housekeeping activities taking place at a temporary shelter, set up in Kingston after earthquake and fire in Kingston.