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- Tags: Governors general - Dwellings - Jamaica
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Beauty finalists in '73 contestant
Beauty finalists in 1973 contest at Governor General Florizel Glasspole's residence.
New chandeliers at King's House
"From its box to the ballroom - this is one of the many new chandeliers which will be replacing the old ones at King's House for the Queen's visit."
Workmen installing kitchen at King's House
"Workmen installing one of the many new pieces of equipment in the kitchen of King's House."
King's House Jamaica
A view of King's House in Kingston, the official residence of Jamaica's Governor General.
The King's House, Spanish Town
Historic print of the old King's House in Spanish Town, St. Catherine. King's House was built in 1762 on the site of the Old Spanish Hall of Audience which was demolished in 1761.
King's House: old and new
Print shows King's House in Spanish Town, St Catherine six persons are standing in the yard while a cart driven by two horses gallops by. Another group of three stands close to the house.
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Women with head loads

Three peasant women carry heavy loads on their heads along a dirt road in the country.