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  • Tags: Governors general's spouses - Jamaica

Christmas treat at Kings House

"Having a swinging time: A few of the children having a swinging time on the merry-go-round at Kings House, at the annual treat given by Lady Glasspole."

G.G. Florizel Glasspole and family at Coke Church

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"Governor General Florizel Glasspole, his wife Josephine, daughter Sara-Lou, son-in-law Dr. Mena (from left) worshipping at the Coke Church on Christmas Morning."

Mrs. Sang Jin Choi presenting gifts to Lady Glasspole

"Toys for the children: Lady Glasspole (left) operates a toy while Mrs. Sang Jin Choi, wife of the Korean Ambassador, and Mr. Sang Lai Wi from the Korean Embassy examine another. Occasion was the presentation at King's House on Tuesday (November 9)…

Sir Donald Sangster at the opening of the National Arena - Festival 1966

The Acting Prime Minister, the Hon. Donald Sangster, declaring open the National Arena yesterday afternoon in the presence of Their Excellencies Sir Clifford and Lady Campbell (centre) and other prominent persons.