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- Tags: Dwellings - Effect of floods on - Jamaica
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2B Essex Avenue, Kingston 8
"Washed-out remains of Edward Bailey's backyard at 2B Essex Avenue, Kingston 8."
Bamboo River District, Morant Bay
"Dog alone: Where have all the people gone? This little dog seems to say as he surveys abandoned dwellings in Bamboo River District in Morant Bay yesterday. Occupants of over 200 houses had to be evacuated as their homes were flooded by heavy rain."
Content in Manchester
"Moving out: A woman and her family move out of Content in Manchester after the area was ravaged by floods earlier this week."
Flood victims
"Flooded out: Residents of this section of Majesty Pen caught moving articles of furniture from their homes yesterday."
Flood victims
"A family in Providence Pen Lane looking at the damage done to furniture after the culvert in the Lane overflowed and three feet high water raged through the houses."
Flood victims
"A Wharf Street resident of St. Ann's Bay bales water from his house."
Flood victims
"Right: Eighty year old Helen Grant tells of her plight on Thursday night. Thick mud has covered the floor of her house in the background."
Jacques Road
"Muddy mirror: The pointing hand (top left) shows the level to which water and mud reached in Miss Yvonne Brown's house on Jacques Road."
"House in water: Section of the three-apartment house at Kendal from which 72-year old Violet Morrison and her family were forced to flee because of flooding. According to Mrs. Morrison "we only glad it wasn't in the night." "
Majesty Pen
" "But what can we do?" seems to think his Majesty Pen occupant as she stares at the Daily News camera with folded arms."
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Scholars and teacher

A group of students from rural Jamaica and their teacher stand before an old school building.