Browse Items (6 total) Tags: Disco dancing Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse References Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Winners of the disco contest Devon and Jean Tags: Dance; Dance - Jamaica; Dancers; Dancers - Jamaica; Disco dancing; Disco dancing - Jamaica Maxie Clance and Mavita Cooper won the disco contest "Maxie Clance and Mavita Cooper won the disco contest when they out-danced two opponents." Tags: Dance; Dance - Jamaica; Disco dancing; Disco dancing - Jamaica Disco dance contest at the Turn Table Club "Boogie down: One of the two couples who won the Discomania Dance Contest at the Turn Table Club on Sunday night last." Tags: Dance; Dance - Jamaica; Disco dancing; Disco dancing - Jamaica; Nightclubs; Nightclubs - Jamaica Disco dancing at Topsy night club in New Kingston "Disco dancing at Topsy night club in New Kingston...part of the wave washing over music-land in Jamaica. Is it a threat to Jamaica?" Tags: Dance; Dance - Jamaica; Disco dancing; Disco dancing - Jamaica; Nightclubs; Nightclubs - Jamaica Disco dancing A man and woman performing their disco dance routine at an event. Tags: Dance; Dancers; Disco dancing Disco fever at Turn Table Club "Disco fever: one of the couples who won the Discomania Dance Contest at the Turn Table Club on Sunday night last." Tags: Bands (Music) - Jamaica; Dance; Disco dancing; Nightclubs Featured Item Mansion Photograph of a large two-storey dwelling with a well manicured lawn.