Browse Items (47 total) Tags: Clothing and dress Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse References of 5 Next Page Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added "XXVII" People, dressed in formal attire, gather outside a two-storey dwelling for an event. Tags: Clothing and dress; Dwellings A check-solid combination that travels well Tags: Clothing and dress; Fashion A different kind of a pants for the guy with the guts to slip into them Tags: Clothing and dress; Fashion; Fashion shows; Male models; Men's clothing; Models (Persons) A smart three-piece outfit with waistcoat worn over contrasting shirt Tags: Clothing and dress; Fashion; Fashion shows; Male models; Men's clothing; Models (Persons) Donnette Dwyer, Miss Restwell Ltd "Donnette Dwyer, Miss Restwell [Succ.] Ltd., 18 years; vital statistics - 30-22-32 1/2. Weight 102 lbs; height 5 ft 2 ins. Occupation: student. Ambition: to be an Executive Secretary. Hobbies are horseback riding, dancing, reading, cooking and… Tags: Bathing suits; Beauty contestants; Beauty contestants - Jamaica; Clothing and dress; Fashion; Women's clothing Lady in her jumper suit Tags: Clothing and dress; Fashion; Fashion shows; Models (Persons); Women's clothing Lady modeling swimwear and high heel shoes Tags: Bathing suits; Clothing and dress; Fashion; Models (Persons); Women's clothing Lady poses in the popular jumpsuit "This was one of the designs featured in the recent "Fashions on Broadway" production." Tags: Clothing and dress; Fashion; Models (Persons); Women's clothing Lady posing in a bath suit with a tiger on it Tags: Bathing suits; Clothing and dress; Fashion; Fashion shows; Models (Persons); Women's clothing Lady posing in a long white dress with long sleeve and split Tags: Clothing and dress; Dresses; Fashion; Fashion shows; Models (Persons); Women's clothing of 5 Next Page Featured Item Flat Bridge, Bog Walk Photograph of Flat Bridge in the Bog Walk Gorge, St. Catherine.