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  • Tags: Children - Jamaica

Children sitting and shading from the hot sun

"In the boiling sun: Daylight Savings Time gave the audience at the official opening ceremony of the Edith Dalton-James Community Complex a hard time when the fierce three o'clock sun beat down relentlessly on the uncovered heads of the unprepared…

Maxfield Park Children's Home

"Fine Gesture: Maxfield Park Children's Home Matron, Mrs. O'Conner Johnson, receiving a cheque for $200 from Flour Mills and Allied Industry Worker's Chief Delegate, Henry Brown, yesterday afternoon. The donation came from the workers' back pay,…

Shortwood Primary choir

"Shortwood Practising (Primary) School's choir practising "The Lord is My Shepherd" for the Choral Festival scheduled for this October - part of the Schools' Cooperative Music Programme. Ethlyn Powell, director of the new choir is conducting…

Meadowbrook High School Choir

"Eleanor Millwood of the Meadowbrook High School Choir does a solo for the other members of the choir. This is an important part of their training - their director Geoffrey Shields says it's one of the 'secrets' of success in this line. Each student…

Meadowbrook High School choir

"Meadowbrook choir members at a practice session with their Director Geoffrey Shields, in preparation for the upcoming Choral Festival this October. The Festival is one aspect of the new Schools' Co-operative Music Programme, developed and…

Barry Gordon interviews children about Christmas

"Barry Gordon interviews a group of young children on their views on Christmas for 'Christmas with the Young Ones'. The programme can be hear Monday to Saturday at 8:15 a.m. from now 'til Christmas Day."

Kingston Public Hospital

"Dr. and Nurse: Wayne McSam, 9, and Lorraine Parkinson, 5, of the Wyman Basic School in Pink Lane, Kingston gave a highly entertaining true-to-life performance yesterday for nurses at the Kingston Public Hospital, as their contribution to the current…

Annotto Bay Hospital

"The Annotto Bay area National Youth Service workers recently made a presentation of clothing to the children's ward of the Annotto Bay Hospital. In picture above Miss Suzanne Dailis makes a presentation to Matron E. Petgrave of the hospital while…