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Eric Bell at JOS depot
"Public Utilities Minister Eric Bell [Kareeba] raps with workers in the canteen of the J.O.S Depot which he toured recently. Left is Neville Brown, Personal Assistant to the Minister; in dark glasses is Assistant Engineer, Leslie Marsh, and to the…
JOS tour
"New JOS Board chairman A.Z Preston is attracted by something while JOS Chief Engineer George Swindlehurst beckons to JOS Advertising Manager Henling Wade (at right) to make the next move when members of the JOS Board toured the JOS Tivoli depot on…
Representatives of Jamaica Omnibus Services Ltd.
"Representative of the Jamaica Omnibus Services Limited and Lloyds Bank of England sign an agreement for 105 bus chassis, the bodies for which will be assembled in Jamaica. From left are John Burnell and Victor Itawley of Lloyds, Managing Director…
Fuel injection test room
"Employees at work in the Fuel Injection Test Room. Approximately $60,000 was spent recently on new equipment for the room."
"Back to the table: Representatives of the JOS [Jamaica Omnibus Services] and UTASP [Union of Technical, Administrative and Supervisory Personnel] came back to the Labour and Employment Ministry yesterday to try and resolve outstanding items of…
JOS workers protesting
"JOS workers outside Slipe Road Office yesterday protesting dismissal notices."
Health Centre on King Street
"Ailing bus: a number of people were injured Thursday afternoon when this JOS bus crashed into the Health Centre on King Street. The bus was packed with people many of whom were coming from matinees."
Bus strike
"Corporate are commuters yesterday seeking other means of transportation after JOS workers walked off their jobs. Even the clock seemed to strike because this photograph was taken after 4:00pm."
JOS and trade unions
"Chairman Basil Lynch (centre head of table) makes a left index finger point at Monday's hearing of the wage contract dispute between the JOS and the NWU and BITU. Mr. Lynch is flanked by Tribunal members Edward Dixon (left) and Owen Plant (right)…
JOS workers marching
"JOS workers marching Friday October 24, 1975 at Ministry of Labour during strike."