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- Tags: Actresses - Jamaica
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Fae Ellington and Charles Hyatt
"Playwright/Producer/Director Charles Hyatt looks on approvingly as Fae Ellington delivers a 'prissy' line during rehearsals for the JBC staff Christmas Pantomime - 'Curly Locks and the Seven Dee-jays,' being broadcast on Boxing Day at 11:00 a.m. on…
Andrene Bonner
Author, actress and singer, Andrene Bonner, sitting on the floor with one leg outstretched.
Louise smiling
Louise Bennett smiling during a conversation with a group of people.
Dahlia Harris
Media personality, Dahlia Harris, carrying out master of ceremonies duties during the National Library of Jamaica's World Poetry Day Celebration & Award Ceremony.
Sheila Elaine Carter
Headshot of Jamaica actress, Sheila Elaine Carter nee Hill.
Lola Parkinson who plays Miss Birdie and Andre Broon who plays Washie
"The 500th episode of Life in Hopeful Village, the dramatic JIS Radio series about rural life in Jamaica, was shown last month, marking ten years since the first episode was broadcast. Life in Hopeful Village was introduced by Elaine Perkins, and…
A scene from 'It's Good To Be Alive'
"Wat a way yu grow big mi gran pickney" exclaimed Miss Maud (Palemina) as she looks at her grand-daughter (Cecile Prince) in a scene from "It's Good To Be Alive" which can be seen this Sunday, February 5, at 5:00 p.m. at Unity of Jamaica, 87 Old Hope…
A scene from 'The Sudden Guest'
"A hilarious scene from "The Sudden Guest": the Caribbean Thespians Jamaican Comedy with L to R: Lorna Townsend, Lola Hamilton, Bobby Smith, Luela Whyte. Two performances only at Excelsior High School, Saturday the 20th at 8 p.m. and Sunday the 21st…
A scene from Barry Reckford's play 'I-Man'
"Fight: Two students beat up a third in a scene from Barry Reckford's play 'I-Man' which is now running at the Jamaica House Gordon Theatre Studio on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays starting at 8:30 p.m. The play, which is about the evils of the…
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Carrying baskets to market

Two men are on their way to the market to sell straw baskets. The baskets of varying sizes are heaped together and affixed to the ends of bamboos, to…