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  • Tags: Trees

Irwin Park staff

"Rake & Machete: And so the Gardens were built. Over the past six months, months more than 1,000 workers, most like nursery helper Hyacinth Rickett and gardener William Heath, using only basic garden tools, have transformed an 80-acre site in the…

Irwin Park river

Shallow river at Irwin Park in Montego Bay, St. James, flowing through a canopy formed by bamboo plants.

Irwin Park Crafts Village

"Dining Pavilion: Jamaican Snacks will be available at the main dining pavillon in The Craft Village and at food kiosks around the property, and picnic facilities at a beautiful corner of the garden set aside as a 7 - acre community park."

Irwin Park

"Plants for days: The garden's 14-acre nursery is the largest in the island, and will supply plants for government landscaping projects throughout Jamaica. The nursery will also offer practical courses in landscape design and plant culture for hotel…

Acres to be used for pine plantation in Jamaica

"Raw materials for the future. Part of Jamaica's 15,000 acres of pine plantation in the upland country. In the background, area to be planted."

Vincent Williamson explaining FIDCO afforestation programme

"Vincent Williamson, FIDCO Assistant Plantations Manager [back to camera] explains the Company's afforestation programme at Mullet Hall Gap. The event was a recent tour of the Mount James Management Unit by the visiting forestry delegates."

Conservator of Forests K.C. Hall (right) and U.S. Ambassador Sumner Gerard

"Forest Tour: Conservator of Forest, K. C. Hall (right), and U.S. Ambassador, Sumner Gerard, discussing new techniques in forest engineering and logging developed at the Mount James National Forest. To the left is Charles Campbell, Aid Mission…

A.U. Belinfanti at Springvale Forest reserve

"Minister of Agriculture A. U. Belinfanti looking at mahogany trees with N. Vickers on Springvale Forest Reserve."