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  • Tags: Community centers - Jamaica

Content Gap

"Men and women work in the cement mixing production line."

Content Gap

Work in progress on the Content Gap Community Centre in St. Andrew, Jamaica.

Brandon Hill Community Centre

"A member of one of the many youth clubs which contributed to a fun-filled evening at the recent opening of the Brandon Hill Community Center in the hills of West Rural, St Andrew. The center was built at a cost of $45,000 of which $33,000 was raised…

August Town Youth Centre

"Public Health Nurse Turner measures the blood pressure of a young patient at the August Town Center."

August Town Youth Center

"Counselling techniques: Roselder Cherrington (centre) discussing peer counselling techniques with teenagers Margaret McDonnough (right) and Dave Heslop. All three were selected for training as peer counsellors for the Youth Center."

August Town Youth Center

"Peer counselling session: Social worker Beverly Marsh (left) and Family Life Educator Grace McCaskie-Wint (2nd from left) lead discussion during one week training session for peer counsellors."

Allsides Community Center

"In the spirit of self-help: the people of Allsides in Trelawny are soon to have a comprehensive recreational and community center, due mainly to the self-help efforts of Warsop Youth Clubs and Agriculture Minister A.U. Belinfanti.
Mr Belinfanti,…

Allman Town Community Centre

JAMAL class in session for a group of adults at the Allman Town Community Centre.

Allman Town

A woman points to a tree in the garden at the Allman Town Community Centre. Proceeds from the Kitchen Garden department help to supplement daily fares.

Allman Town

"School in session: Eager children learn form Miss C. Sheppard, head of the school. Mrs. Hawes is in background."