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  • Tags: Parties

'Search for Tomorrow' cast and crew

"Just feel like dancing: Members of the cast and crew of the production of the US-TV serial "Search for Tomorrow", dance to the music of Bolivar the one-man musical experience at Mallards Beach Hyatt in Ocho Rios. Occasion was a recent press party…

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Men and women, dressed in formal and semi-formal attire, dancing on the dance floor.

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Varadero, Cuba

"Beach party with one of Cuba's top bands - 'Pacho Alonso y sus Pachucos'."

ICU Month Tea Party at Jamaica Pegasus

"I do hope you enjoy it": said the little miss from the audience, called on to present one of the many ''spot prize-surprises'' to little Aubrey Frazer at the ICU Month Tea Party held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in October. Caught beaming in the…