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Newly elected Mayor Ryan Peralto
"Mayor past and present - newly elected Mayor of Kingston Ryan Peralto [right] pins on the past Mayor's badge to his predecessor - Arthur Jones."
KSAC Mayor Ryan Peralto meeting G.G Florizel Glasspole
"KSAC Mayor Ryan Peralto [left] meeting Governor General Sir Florizel Glasspole when Mr. Peralto paid a courtesy call on the Governor General on Tuesday at Kings House."
Kingston Mayor Ryan Peralto
Kingston mayor, Ryan Peralto, [centre] telling of the benefits to be derived from the Twinning of Kingston and Dade Country, Miami. Mr. Peralto was speaking to reporters at the Norman Manley International Airport yesterday after his return from…
KSAC Mayor Ryan Peralto gives his contribution to the Jaycees blood drive
"He's ok: Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation [KSAC] Mayor Ryan Peralto gives his contribution to the Jaycees Blood drive at New Port West Clinic in Kingston."
Con A. Pink presents the Kaiser Bauxite Trophy for Creative Arts
"The Kaiser Bauxite Company's supervisor of employee welfare and community activities Con. A. Pink presents the Kaiser Bauxite Trophy for Creative Arts to a representative of Sanguinette House during the recent prize-giving function at the Muschett…
Rose Leon gesticulating while holding an emergency meeting
"Emergency meeting: Local Government Minister Rose Leon gesticulating holding an emergency meeting with Kingston Mayor Ralph Brown second from left and representatives of the Jamaica Public Service Company, Reginald Aitken Limited and Famtrac on the…
Local Government Minister Rose Leon
"Local Government Minister Rose Leon speaking yesterday at a presentation function at the fire Brigade Headquarters, York Park, Orange Street. First Aid Certificates and Long Service medals were presented to members of the St. John Ambulance and the…
Rose Leon
"The 'key' to Mandeville was presented to the Minister of Local Government, the Hon. Mrs. Rose Leon, by Mayor Cecil Charlton last Wednesday (March 19). The "surprise" gesture took place at the Mandeville Hotel, while members of the Manchester Parish…
Sectoral Specialist for Jamaica Jose Casio
"Farewell for former I.D.B. Specialist for Jamaica, Jose Cosio. The Charltons recently hosted a farewell cocktail party for Mr. Cosio, seen here at farewell with Cecil Charlton. Mr. Cosio has been in the island since 1976 and was involved in…
Mayor Ralph Brown at Christmas treat at the Poor Relief Office
"Indigent folk receiving their Christmas treat from the Mayor on Tuesday morning, at the Poor Relief Office at Church Street. About 600 people received enveloped with $3 each. At left, Mayor Ralph Brown hands over an envelope. Second left is Acting…