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- Tags: Hospital employees - Jamaica
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Bill Shagoury handing over two cribs to Clarendon Hospital
"CRIBS FOR CLARENDON HOSPITAL: Bill Shagoury, President of the May Pen Kiwanis (Second from right), handing over two cribs donated by the Service Club to Matron Hermine Robinson, last Saturday. Others from left are: Staff Nurse Marjorie Carter;…
Burglar bars at National Chest Hospital
"Burglar Bars: General Manager of Colgate Palmolive Jamaica Ltd., Trevor Ottey, [4th from left] taking a look at the security grills that the company donated to the dental clinic at the National Chest Hospital. The grill-work, valued at $3,000, was…
Bustamante Hospital
" the Bustamante Hospital for administrator; Mrs. Loraine Johnson, NCB, Oxford Place; Miss Jennifer Campbell, Accountant, NCB, New Kingston Branch, and Sister Yvonne Codlin, Ward 1."
Cheque presentation to Port Antonio Hospital
"CHEQUE PRESENTATION - Earl Cameron; President of the Real-Antonio Youth Club in Port Antonio presenting a cheque for $100 to Nurse Williams in charge of the Children's Ward of the Port Antonio Hospital recently. Others looking on are from left…
Gift to Bustamante Hospital
"GIFT TO BUSTAMANTE HOSPITAL: Matron Estella McDonald March received a $300 cheque from Fabian Young, presidents of the Marzouca Co-op Credit Union at the hospital yesterday. Others from left are: asst. Matron I. Anglin, Winsome Cummings of the…
Karl Samuda and Ed Bartlett at National Chest Hospital
"Member of Parliament Karl Samuda (left) and Information and Culture Minister Ed Bartlett listening as the staff of the National Chest Hospital explain the poor conditions at the Institution. Above them is a badly leaking root. The party toured the…
Kingston Public Hospital (K.P.H.)
"The situation of inadequacy and frustration at Kingston Public Hospital grows worse everyday with long lines of patients seeking attention."
Lucea Infirmary
"Picture shows one of the beds presented to the Lucea Infirmary by the Hanover Charities Committee recently. The Mayor of Lucea, Councillor Lloyd Spencer is third from right: Mrs. Leroy Rickett, matron of the infirmary, is fourth from right; Count…
Mr. Reynold Grant showing new ambulance
"For the Children: North St. Andrew Kiwanis Club president Reynald Grant (right) showing Children's Hospital Board chairman Keith Scott (left) and hospital staff the interior of a new ambulance donated by the Kiwanis to the hospital. The unit was…
N.Y.S. worker Madge Bolt
"N.Y.S. (National Youth Service) worker Madge Bolt (left) presents $200 cash for the children's ward at University Hospital, Colin Morris, 5 (right) and Keston White, 11 receive the money which will be used to help build up play areas. Plans include…
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Dr. Anthony Robinson, surgeon and botanist, d. 1768

Side profile of Dr. Anthony Robinson, a surgeon that practised in Jamaica.