Browse Items (4 total) Tags: Congas Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse References Sort by: TitleCreatorDate Added Art of Black Dance Music "A member of the Art of Black Dance Music group going through his paces." Tags: Bands (Music); Congas; Drum music; Vocal groups Clifford Campbell "Mini-fair: The Kiwanis Club of Kingston, in association with the Rennock Lodge Parent-Teacher Association, sponsored a Mini-Fair at Rennock Lodge School on Saturday, December 14. Proceeds of the event will go towards repairs to, and replacement of… Tags: Associations, institutions, etc. - Jamaica; Children - Jamaica; Congas; Drummers (Musicians) - Jamaica; Governors General - Jamaica; Musicians - Jamaica Natives dancing Native Guyanese men and woman dancing and drumming onstage. Tags: Congas; Dance; Guyanese; Indigenous peoples - Guyana Hope Boulevard with Jonkonnu parade Tags: Congas; Costumes; Dwellings; John Canoe (Festival); Jonkonnu (Festival); Kingston (Jamaica); Parades Featured Item Marcus Garvey's Birthplace Birthplace of the Right Excellent Marcus Garvey located at 32 Market Street, St. Ann's Bay.